Page 3 - 陕西启创能源化工科技有限公司
P. 3

公司简介                            01                企业文化                            03

                                                               专利技术                            04                业务范围                            05

                           目录                                  技术介绍                            06                工艺案例                            09

                                                               营业执照                            14                合作单位                            15

 总经理致辞               General Manager Speech

 时光荏苒、岁月更迭!我们国家的化工产业经过数十年  With the time flight and change, the chemical industry in our coun-
 try has experienced decades of development ushering in a booming
 的发展,迎来了蓬勃发展的时代,但并未改变“一煤独大”  era but it does not change the situation of “One coal dominates the

 的局面。时逢国家进行能源结构调整,能源产业又一次出现  other”. When the country adjusts its energy structure, the energy in-
 dustry appears a turnaround again, and our company is at the right
 了转机,我公司正逢此际,实现钢铁与化工的跨界搭接,既  time to realize the cross boundary lap of steel and chemical, which not
 only opens a new direction for the raw material sources of chemical
 industry, but also provides the new profit growth points for the steel
 了新的利润增长点,更为钢铁行业的环保治理提供了完美的  industry and  even provides perfect solutions  for  the environmental
 protection in steel industry to enhance national energy security.

 我公司本着“做优钢化尾气、做精焦化尾气、做好化工  Our company provides the best product plan for customers to realize
 the mutual benefit and win-win cooperation with service heartfelt of   Company Profile        01                Corporate Culture               03
 产业”的服务衷心,以客户利益最大化为出发点,为客户提  “Optimizing  the tempering  exhaust,  fining the coking exhaust and
 doing well in chemical industry” and starting from the maximization                           04                                                05
 供最佳的产品方案,实现互利共赢!                                              Patent Technology                                 Business Scope
 of customers’ interests.
 非常感谢您的接洽!                                                     Technology Introduction         06                Process Case                    09
 Thank you very much for your contact!
 Looking forward to your consulation!                          Technical Case                  12                Project Performance             13

 总经理:                                                          Business license                14                Partners                        15
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